( A B C D E F G I J L M N O P R S T U V Z
Prelude.Function.($) constant type `('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Function.($) constant type `('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Bool.(&&) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(&&) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Num.(*) constant of type-class `NumMult` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.(*) constant of type-class `NumMult` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.(+) constant of type-class `NumPlus` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.(+) constant of type-class `NumPlus` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.List.(++) constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(++) constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(++) constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Num.(-) constant of type-class `NumMinus` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.(-) constant of type-class `NumMinus` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Bool.(-->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(-->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Function.(.) constant of type-class `Dot` type `'a -> 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Function.(.) constant of type-class `Dot` type `'a -> 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Num.(/) constant of type-class `NumDiv` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.(/) constant of type-class `NumDiv` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Eq.(/=) constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Eq.(/=) constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(/\) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(/\) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Functor.fmap statically resolved constant of type-class `Functor` type `('a -> 'b) -> 'F 'a -> 'F 'b` executable
Prelude.Functor.fmap statically resolved constant of type-class `Functor` type `('a -> 'b) -> 'F 'a -> 'F 'b` executable
Prelude.Ord.(<) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(<) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(<-/->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(<-/->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(<->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(<->) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(<=) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(<=) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(<=/=>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(<=/=>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(<=>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(<=>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.(<>) constant of type-class `Semigroup` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.(<>) constant of type-class `Semigroup` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Eq.(=/=) constant of type-class `EqP` type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Eq.(=/=) constant of type-class `EqP` type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Monad.(=<<) constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'a -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(=<<) constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'a -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Eq.(==) constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Eq.(==) constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Eq.(===) constant of type-class `EqP` type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Eq.(===) constant of type-class `EqP` type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Eq.(====) constant type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Eq.(====) constant type `'a -> 'a -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(==>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(==>) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Ord.(>) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(>) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(>=) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Ord.(>=) constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> 'M 'b -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> 'M 'b -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>=) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> ('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>=) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> ('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Bool.(\/) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.(\/) constant type `Prop -> Prop -> Prop` non executable
Data.Lens.view constant of type-class `Data.Lens.IsGetter` type `'v -> 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Bool.(||) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.(||) constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.all constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.all constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> Bool) -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.all constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> Bool) -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.all constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.allP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.allP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.allP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.and constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.and constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.and constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.andP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.andP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.andP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.any constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.any constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> Bool) -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.any constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> Bool) -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.any constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.anyP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.anyP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.anyP constant type `('a -> Prop) -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Maybe.bind constant type `Maybe 'a -> ('a -> Maybe 'b) -> Maybe 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>=) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> ('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.bind constant type `Maybe 'a -> ('a -> Maybe 'b) -> Maybe 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.(>>=) statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'M 'a -> ('a -> 'M 'b) -> 'M 'b` executable
Prelude.Bool.bool2prop constant type `Bool -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.bool2prop constant type `Bool -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.boolCase constant type `Bool -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Bool.boolCase constant type `Bool -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Data.List.break constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> (['a], ['a])` executable
Prelude.Bool.caseBool datatype case-constant type `'a -> 'a -> Bool -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Bool.caseBool datatype case-constant type `'a -> 'a -> Bool -> 'a` executable
Data.Collection.DistinctListSet.caseDistinctListSet datatype case-constant type `(['a] -> 'b) -> Data.Collection.DistinctListSet.DistinctListSet 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Either.caseEither datatype case-constant type `('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'c) -> Either 'a 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Either.caseEither datatype case-constant type `('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'c) -> Either 'a 'b -> 'c` executable
Data.Collection.FunSetBool.caseFunSetBool datatype case-constant type `(('a -> Bool) -> 'b) -> Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Unit.caseItself datatype case-constant type `'b -> (::'a) -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Unit.caseItself datatype case-constant type `'b -> (::'a) -> 'b` executable
Prelude.List.caseList datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> ['a] -> 'b) -> ['a] -> 'b` executable
Prelude.List.caseList datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> ['a] -> 'b) -> ['a] -> 'b` executable
Prelude.List.caseList datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> ['a] -> 'b) -> ['a] -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.caseMaybe datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.caseMaybe datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.caseMaybe datatype case-constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Num.caseNatural datatype case-constant type `'a -> (Natural -> 'a) -> Natural -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.caseNatural datatype case-constant type `'a -> (Natural -> 'a) -> Natural -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.caseOrdering datatype case-constant type `'a -> 'a -> 'a -> Ordering -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.caseOrdering datatype case-constant type `'a -> 'a -> 'a -> Ordering -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Unit.caseUnit datatype case-constant type `'a -> () -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Unit.caseUnit datatype case-constant type `'a -> () -> 'a` executable
Data.Maybe.catMaybes constant type `[(Maybe 'a)] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Char.chr constant type `Natural -> Char` executable
Prelude.Char.chr constant type `Natural -> Char` executable
Prelude.Ord.compare constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.compare constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.comparing constant type `('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b -> Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.comparing constant type `('b -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b -> Ordering` executable
Prelude.List.concat constant type `[['a]] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.concat constant type `[['a]] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.concat constant type `[['a]] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.concatMap constant type `('a -> ['b]) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.concatMap constant type `('a -> ['b]) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.concatMap constant type `('a -> ['b]) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.(:) constructor of datatype `List` type `'a -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Function.constant constant type `'a -> 'b -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Function.constant constant type `'a -> 'b -> 'a` executable
Prelude.List.count constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.count constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.count constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Tuple.curry constant type `(('a, 'b) -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Tuple.curry constant type `(('a, 'b) -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Default.default constant of type-class `Default` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Default.default constant of type-class `Default` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Collection.delete constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.delete constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Data.Collection.Queue.dequeue constant type `Data.Collection.Queue.Queue 'a -> Maybe ('a, Data.Collection.Queue.Queue 'a)` executable
Prelude.Either.destEither constant type `('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'c) -> Either 'a 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Either.destEither constant type `('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'c) -> Either 'a 'b -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.difference constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.difference constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.disjoint constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.disjoint constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Data.Collection.DistinctListSet.DistinctListSet constructor of datatype `Data.Collection.DistinctListSet.DistinctListSet` type `['a] -> Data.Collection.DistinctListSet.DistinctListSet 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.div constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.div constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.divmod constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> ('a, 'a)` executable
Prelude.Num.divmod constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> ('a, 'a)` executable
Data.List.drop constant type `Natural -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Data.List.dropWhile constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.elem constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.elem constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'e -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.elem constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'e -> 't -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.elem constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Data.Lens.elem1 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem1` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem2 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem2` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem3 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem3` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem4 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem4` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem5 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem5` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem6 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem6` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem7 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem7` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem8 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem8` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.elem9 constant of type-class `Data.Lens.Elem9` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.List.elemP constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.elemP constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Collection.empty constant type `'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.empty constant type `'c` executable
Data.Collection.Queue.emptyQueue constant type `Data.Collection.Queue.Queue 'a` executable
Data.Collection.Stack.emptyStack constant type `Data.Collection.Stack.Stack 'a` executable
Data.Collection.Queue.enqueue constant type `'a -> Data.Collection.Queue.Queue 'a -> Data.Collection.Queue.Queue 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.enumFromTo constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.enumFromTo constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Ord.EQ constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.EQ constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.existsB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.existsB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.existsP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.existsP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Monad.fail statically resolved constant of type-class `MonadFail` type `String -> 'M 'a` executable
Prelude.Monad.fail statically resolved constant of type-class `MonadFail` type `String -> 'M 'a` executable
Prelude.Bool.false constant type `Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.false constant type `Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.False constructor of datatype `Bool` type `Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.False constructor of datatype `Bool` type `Bool` executable
Prelude.List.filter constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Collection.filter constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.filter constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.List.filter constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Function.flip constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Function.flip constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Functor.fmap statically resolved constant of type-class `Functor` type `('a -> 'b) -> 'F 'a -> 'F 'b` executable
Prelude.Functor.fmap statically resolved constant of type-class `Functor` type `('a -> 'b) -> 'F 'a -> 'F 'b` executable
Prelude.List.foldl constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldl statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('acc -> 'e -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldl statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('acc -> 'e -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.List.foldl constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> 'a` executable
Prelude.List.foldlWithAbort constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldlWithAbort statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('acc -> Bool) -> ('acc -> 'e -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldlWithAbort statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('acc -> Bool) -> ('acc -> 'e -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.List.foldlWithAbort constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> 'a` executable
Prelude.List.foldr constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> ['a] -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldr statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.Foldable.foldr statically resolved constant of type-class `Foldable` type `('e -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 't -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.List.foldr constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> ['a] -> 'b` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.forallB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.forallB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.forallP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.forallP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.fromEnum constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> Natural` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.fromEnum constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Collection.fromList constant of type-class `Collection` type `['e] -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.fromList constant of type-class `Collection` type `['e] -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybe constant type `'a -> Maybe 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybe constant type `'a -> Maybe 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybe constant type `'a -> Maybe 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybeMap constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybeMap constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Maybe.fromMaybeMap constant type `'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Tuple.fst constant type `('a, 'b) -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Tuple.fst constant type `('a, 'b) -> 'a` executable
Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool constructor of datatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool 'a` executable
Data.Lens.Getter constructor of record-type `Data.Lens.Getter` type `('a -> 'b) -> Data.Lens.Getter 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.getterGet field of record-type `Data.Lens.Getter` type `Data.Lens.Getter 'a 'b -> 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Ord.GT constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.GT constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.Monad.guard constant type `Bool -> 'M ()` executable
Prelude.Monad.guard constant type `Bool -> 'M ()` executable
Prelude.Function.id constant type `'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Function.id constant type `'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Collection.image constant type `('e1 -> 'e2) -> 'C 'e1 -> 'C 'e2` executable
Prelude.Collection.image constant type `('e1 -> 'e2) -> 'C 'e1 -> 'C 'e2` executable
Prelude.Collection.insert constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.insert constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.intersection constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.intersection constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.isEmpty constant of type-class `CollectionWithEmptynessTest` type `'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isEmpty constant of type-class `CollectionWithEmptynessTest` type `'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isEmptyP constant of type-class `Collection` type `'c -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Collection.isEmptyP constant of type-class `Collection` type `'c -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Maybe.isJust constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Maybe.isJust constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Maybe.isJust constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Maybe.isNothing constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Maybe.isNothing constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Maybe.isNothing constant type `Maybe 'a -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isProperSubsetOf constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isProperSubsetOf constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isSetEquiv constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isSetEquiv constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isSubsetOf constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.isSubsetOf constant of type-class `CollectionWithSubsetTest` type `'c -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Unit.Itself constructor of datatype `Itself` type `(::'a)` executable
Prelude.Unit.Itself constructor of datatype `Itself` type `(::'a)` executable
Prelude.Maybe.Just constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `'a -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.Just constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `'a -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.Just constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `'a -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.List.last constant type `['a] -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.List.last constant type `['a] -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.List.last constant type `['a] -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Either.Left constructor of datatype `Either` type `'a -> Either 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.Either.Left constructor of datatype `Either` type `'a -> Either 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.List.length constant type `['a] -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.length constant type `['a] -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.length constant type `['a] -> Natural` executable
Data.Lens.Lens constructor of record-type `Data.Lens.Lens` type `('s -> 'a) -> ('s -> 'b -> 't) -> Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b` executable
Data.Lens.lensGet field of record-type `Data.Lens.Lens` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b -> 's -> 'a` executable
Data.Lens.lensSet field of record-type `Data.Lens.Lens` type `Data.Lens.Lens 's 't 'a 'b -> 's -> 'b -> 't` executable
Prelude.Ord.lexCompare constant type `'a -> 'a -> Ordering -> Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.lexCompare constant type `'a -> 'a -> Ordering -> Ordering` executable
Data.Maybe.listToMaybe constant type `['a] -> Maybe 'a` executable
Data.List.lookup constant type `'k -> [('k, 'v)] -> Maybe 'v` executable
Prelude.Ord.LT constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.Ord.LT constructor of datatype `Ordering` type `Ordering` executable
Prelude.List.map constant type `('a -> 'b) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.Maybe.map constant type `('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> Maybe 'b` executable
Prelude.List.map constant type `('a -> 'b) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.map constant type `('a -> 'b) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.Maybe.map constant type `('a -> 'b) -> Maybe 'a -> Maybe 'b` executable
Prelude.Monad.mapM constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> ['a] -> 'M ['b]` executable
Prelude.Monad.mapM constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> ['a] -> 'M ['b]` executable
Data.Maybe.mapMaybe constant type `('a -> Maybe 'b) -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.Monad.mapM_ constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> ['a] -> 'M ()` executable
Prelude.Monad.mapM_ constant type `('a -> 'M 'b) -> ['a] -> 'M ()` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.mappend constant type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.mappend constant type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.max constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.max constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.maxBound constant of type-class `Bounded` type `'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.maxBound constant of type-class `Bounded` type `'a` executable
Data.Maybe.maybeToList constant type `Maybe 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Collection.member constant of type-class `CollectionWithMembershipTest` type `'e -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.member constant of type-class `CollectionWithMembershipTest` type `'e -> 'c -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.memberP constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Collection.memberP constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.mempty constant of type-class `Monoid` type `'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.mempty constant of type-class `Monoid` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.min constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Ord.min constant of type-class `Ord` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.minBound constant of type-class `Bounded` type `'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.minBound constant of type-class `Bounded` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Char.mkChar constant type `BuiltInChar -> Char` executable
Prelude.Char.mkChar constant type `BuiltInChar -> Char` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralChar statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralChar` type `BuiltInChar -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralChar statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralChar` type `BuiltInChar -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralDecimal statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralDecimal` type `BuiltInDecimal -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralDecimal statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralDecimal` type `BuiltInDecimal -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralNum statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralNum` type `(Prelude.Literal.BuiltInNumRep, BuiltInNum) -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralNum statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralNum` type `(Prelude.Literal.BuiltInNumRep, BuiltInNum) -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralString statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralString` type `BuiltInString -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralString statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralString` type `BuiltInString -> 'a` executable
Prelude.String.mkString constant type `BuiltInString -> String` executable
Prelude.String.mkString constant type `BuiltInString -> String` executable
Prelude.Num.mod constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Num.mod constant of type-class `NumDivMod` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.List.Nil constructor of datatype `List` type `['a]` executable
Prelude.List.Nil constructor of datatype `List` type `['a]` executable
Prelude.List.Nil constructor of datatype `List` type `['a]` executable
Prelude.Bool.not constant type `Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.not constant type `Bool -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.notElem constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.notElem constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.notElem constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.notElemP constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.notElemP constant type `'a -> ['a] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Maybe.Nothing constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.Nothing constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Maybe.Nothing constructor of datatype `Maybe` type `Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.Bool.notP constant type `Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.notP constant type `Prop -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.nub constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.nub constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.nub constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.nubBy constant type `('a -> 'a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.nubBy constant type `('a -> 'a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.nubBy constant type `('a -> 'a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.null constant type `['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.null constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Foldable.null constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.null constant type `['a] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Collection.occur constant of type-class `CollectionWithMembershipTest` type `'e -> 'c -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Collection.occur constant of type-class `CollectionWithMembershipTest` type `'e -> 'c -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.or constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.or constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.List.or constant type `[Bool] -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Char.ord constant type `Char -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Char.ord constant type `Char -> Natural` executable
Prelude.List.orP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.orP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.List.orP constant type `[Prop] -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Text.pack constant type `String -> Text` executable
Prelude.Text.pack constant type `String -> Text` executable
Prelude.List.partition constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> (['a], ['a])` executable
Prelude.Collection.partition constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> ('c, 'c)` executable
Prelude.Collection.partition constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> ('c, 'c)` executable
Prelude.List.partition constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> (['a], ['a])` executable
Data.Collection.Stack.pop constant type `Data.Collection.Stack.Stack 'a -> Maybe ('a, Data.Collection.Stack.Stack 'a)` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.pred constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.pred constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.Monad.return statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'a -> 'M 'a` executable
Prelude.Monad.return statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'a -> 'M 'a` executable
Data.Collection.Stack.push constant type `'a -> Data.Collection.Stack.Stack 'a -> Data.Collection.Stack.Stack 'a` executable
Prelude.List.removeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.removeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.removeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Data.List.replicate constant type `Natural -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Monad.return statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'a -> 'M 'a` executable
Prelude.Monad.return statically resolved constant of type-class `Monad` type `'a -> 'M 'a` executable
Prelude.List.revAppend constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.revAppend constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.revAppend constant type `['a] -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.reverse constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.reverse constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.reverse constant type `['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.Either.Right constructor of datatype `Either` type `'b -> Either 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.Either.Right constructor of datatype `Either` type `'b -> Either 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.List.scanl constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.scanl constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.scanl constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.scanr constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.scanr constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.List.scanr constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> ['a] -> ['b]` executable
Prelude.Monad.sequence constant type `[('M 'a)] -> 'M ['a]` executable
Prelude.Monad.sequence constant type `[('M 'a)] -> 'M ['a]` executable
Prelude.Monad.sequence_ constant type `[('M 'a)] -> 'M ()` executable
Prelude.Monad.sequence_ constant type `[('M 'a)] -> 'M ()` executable
Data.Lens.set constant of type-class `Data.Lens.IsSetter` type `'v -> 's -> 'b -> 't` executable
Prelude.Collection.setEmpty constant type `'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.setEmpty constant type `'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.setFromList constant type `['e] -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.setFromList constant type `['e] -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.setInsert constant type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.setInsert constant type `'e -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Data.Lens.Setter constructor of record-type `Data.Lens.Setter` type `('s -> 'b -> 't) -> Data.Lens.Setter 's 't 'b` executable
Data.Lens.setterSet field of record-type `Data.Lens.Setter` type `Data.Lens.Setter 's 't 'b -> 's -> 'b -> 't` executable
Data.Lens.simpleLensToGetter constant type `Data.Lens.SimpleLens 'a 'b -> Data.Lens.Getter 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.Collection.singleton constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.singleton constant of type-class `Collection` type `'e -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Foldable.size constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Foldable.size constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Tuple.snd constant type `('a, 'b) -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Tuple.snd constant type `('a, 'b) -> 'b` executable
Prelude.List.snoc constant type `['a] -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.snoc constant type `['a] -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.snoc constant type `['a] -> 'a -> ['a]` executable
Data.List.span constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> (['a], ['a])` executable
Data.List.splitAt constant type `Natural -> ['a] -> (['a], ['a])` executable
Prelude.Num.Suc constructor of datatype `Natural` type `Natural -> Natural` executable
Prelude.Num.Suc constructor of datatype `Natural` type `Natural -> Natural` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.succ constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.succ constant of type-class `Enum` type `'a -> 'a` executable
Data.List.take constant type `Natural -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Prelude.List.takeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Maybe (['a], 'a)` executable
Prelude.List.takeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Maybe (['a], 'a)` executable
Prelude.List.takeFirst constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> Maybe (['a], 'a)` executable
Data.List.takeWhile constant type `('a -> Bool) -> ['a] -> ['a]` executable
Data.Lens.to constant type `('a -> 'b) -> Data.Lens.Getter 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.toEnum constant of type-class `Enum` type `Natural -> Maybe 'a` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.toEnum constant of type-class `Enum` type `Natural -> Maybe 'a` executable
Data.Lens.toGetter constant of type-class `Data.Lens.IsGetter` type `'v -> Data.Lens.Getter 'a 'b` executable
Prelude.Foldable.toList constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> ['e]` executable
Prelude.Foldable.toList constant of type-class `Foldable` type `'t -> ['e]` executable
Data.Lens.toSetter constant of type-class `Data.Lens.IsSetter` type `'v -> Data.Lens.Setter 's 't 'b` executable
Prelude.Bool.true constant type `Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.true constant type `Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.True constructor of datatype `Bool` type `Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.True constructor of datatype `Bool` type `Bool` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.uexistsB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.uexistsB_fun constant of type-class `Finite` type `('a -> Bool) -> Bool` executable
Prelude.Bool.uexistsP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Bool.uexistsP_fun constant type `('a -> Prop) -> Prop` non executable
Prelude.Tuple.uncurry constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Tuple.uncurry constant type `('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Default.undefined constant of type-class `Default` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Default.undefined constant of type-class `Default` type `'a` executable
Prelude.Collection.union constant type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Collection.union constant type `'c -> 'c -> 'c` executable
Prelude.Unit.Unit constructor of datatype `()` type `()` executable
Prelude.Unit.Unit constructor of datatype `()` type `()` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.universeFoldWithAbort statically resolved constant of type-class `Finite` type `('acc -> Bool) -> ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.universeFoldWithAbort statically resolved constant of type-class `Finite` type `('acc -> Bool) -> ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'acc` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.universeList constant of type-class `Finite` type `['a]` executable
Prelude.BasicClasses.universeList constant of type-class `Finite` type `['a]` executable
Prelude.Text.unpack constant type `Text -> String` executable
Prelude.Text.unpack constant type `Text -> String` executable
Prelude.Default.unreachable constant type `'a` executable
Prelude.Default.unreachable constant type `'a` executable
Data.List.unzip constant type `[('a, 'b)] -> (['a], ['b])` executable
Data.Lens.view constant of type-class `Data.Lens.IsGetter` type `'v -> 'a -> 'b` executable
Prelude.Num.Zero constructor of datatype `Natural` type `Natural` executable
Prelude.Num.Zero constructor of datatype `Natural` type `Natural` executable
Data.List.zip constant type `['a] -> ['b] -> [('a, 'b)]` executable