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module Data.Collection.FunSetBool ( FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable(..)case-constant `caseFunSetBool` constructor `FunSetBool` ) where -- A dataytpe of sets given by its characteristic function datatype FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'atype-variable `'a` kind `*` := FunSetBool ('atype-variable `'a` kind `*` -> Booldatatype `Prelude.Bool.Bool` kind `*` executable) instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => Semigrouptype-class `Prelude.BasicClasses.Semigroup` arguments: ('a :: *) (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) where define (<>)constant `Prelude.BasicClasses.(<>)` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Semigroup (FunSetBool 'e)` type `FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool`) (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` ||constant `Prelude.Bool.(||)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`) end-instance instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => Monoidtype-class `Prelude.BasicClasses.Monoid` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.BasicClasses.Semigroup 'a (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) where define memptyconstant `Prelude.BasicClasses.mempty` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Monoid (FunSetBool 'e)` type `FunSetBool 'e` executable := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (constantconstant `Prelude.Function.constant` constant type `'a -> 'b -> 'a` type in context `Bool -> 'e -> Bool` executable Falseconstant `Prelude.Bool.False` constructor of datatype `Bool` type `Bool` executable) end-instance instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => Collectiontype-class `Prelude.Collection.Collection` arguments: ('c :: *) ('e :: *) functional deps: 'c -> 'e super-class constraints: - Prelude.BasicClasses.Monoid 'c (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` where define insertconstant `Prelude.Collection.insert` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Collection (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable evariable `e` type `'e` (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> (xvariable `x` type `'e` ==constant `Prelude.Eq.(==)` constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` type in context `'e -> 'e -> Bool` executable type-class instance from context evariable `e` type `'e`) ||constant `Prelude.Bool.(||)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`) define fromListconstant `Prelude.Collection.fromList` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Collection (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `['e] -> FunSetBool 'e` executable lvariable `l` type `['e]` := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> elemconstant `Prelude.Foldable.elem` constant of type-class `Foldable` type `Eq 'e => 'e -> 't -> Bool` type in context `'e -> ['e] -> Bool` executable statically resolved type-class instance xvariable `x` type `'e` lvariable `l` type `['e]`) {-# inline fromListconstant `Prelude.Collection.fromList` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Collection (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `['e] -> FunSetBool 'e` executable #-} define non-exec isEmptyPconstant `Prelude.Collection.isEmptyP` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Collection (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `FunSetBool 'e -> Prop` non-executable (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`) := (forallP evariable `e` type `'e`. bool2propconstant `Prelude.Bool.bool2prop` constant type `Bool -> Prop` non-executable (notconstant `Prelude.Bool.not` constant type `Bool -> Bool` executable (fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` evariable `e` type `'e`))) define non-exec memberPconstant `Prelude.Collection.memberP` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => Collection (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `EqP 'e => 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> Prop` non-executable evariable `e` type `'e` (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`) := bool2propconstant `Prelude.Bool.bool2prop` constant type `Bool -> Prop` non-executable (fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` evariable `e` type `'e`) end-instance instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => CollectionWithMembershipTesttype-class `Prelude.Collection.CollectionWithMembershipTest` arguments: ('c :: *) ('e :: *) functional deps: 'c -> 'e super-class constraints: - Prelude.Collection.Collection 'c 'e (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` where define occurconstant `Prelude.Collection.occur` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithMembershipTest (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `Eq 'e => 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> Natural` executable evariable `e` type `'e` dlvariable `dl` type `FunSetBool 'e` := if memberconstant `Prelude.Collection.member` constant of type-class `CollectionWithMembershipTest` type `Eq 'e => 'e -> 'c -> Bool` type in context `'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> Bool` executable same type-class instance evariable `e` type `'e` dlvariable `dl` type `FunSetBool 'e` then 1natural number literal type `Natural` decimal value: 1 hexadecimal value: 0x1 octal value: 0o1 binary value: 0b1 else 0natural number literal type `Natural` decimal value: 0 hexadecimal value: 0x0 octal value: 0o0 binary value: 0b0 define memberconstant `Prelude.Collection.member` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithMembershipTest (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `Eq 'e => 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> Bool` executable evariable `e` type `'e` (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`):= fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` evariable `e` type `'e` end-instance instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => CollectionWithDeletetype-class `Prelude.Collection.CollectionWithDelete` arguments: ('c :: *) ('e :: *) functional deps: 'c -> 'e super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.Eq 'e - Prelude.Collection.CollectionWithMembershipTest 'c 'e (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` where define deleteconstant `Prelude.Collection.delete` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithDelete (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable evariable `e` type `'e` (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> (xvariable `x` type `'e` /=constant `Prelude.Eq.(/=)` constant of type-class `Eq` type `'a -> 'a -> Bool` type in context `'e -> 'e -> Bool` executable type-class instance from context evariable `e` type `'e`) &&constant `Prelude.Bool.(&&)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` evariable `e` type `'e`) define filterconstant `Prelude.Collection.filter` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithDelete (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable pvariable `p` type `'e -> Bool` (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> (pvariable `p` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`) &&constant `Prelude.Bool.(&&)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable (fvariable `f` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`)) define partitionconstant `Prelude.Collection.partition` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithDelete (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e -> (FunSetBool 'e, FunSetBool 'e)` executable pvariable `p` type `'e -> Bool` svariable `s` type `FunSetBool 'e` := (filterconstant `Prelude.Collection.filter` constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> 'c` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable same type-class instance pvariable `p` type `'e -> Bool` svariable `s` type `FunSetBool 'e`, filterconstant `Prelude.Collection.filter` constant of type-class `CollectionWithDelete` type `('e -> Bool) -> 'c -> 'c` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable same type-class instance (notconstant `Prelude.Bool.not` constant type `Bool -> Bool` executable .constant `Prelude.Function.(.)` constant of type-class `Dot` type `'a -> 'b -> 'c` type in context `(Bool -> Bool) -> ('e -> Bool) -> 'e -> Bool` executable statically resolved type-class instance pvariable `p` type `'e -> Bool`) svariable `s` type `FunSetBool 'e`) define differenceconstant `Prelude.Collection.difference` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithDelete (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool`) (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` &&constant `Prelude.Bool.(&&)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable notconstant `Prelude.Bool.not` constant type `Bool -> Bool` executable (f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`)) define intersectionconstant `Prelude.Collection.intersection` constant of type-class instance `Eq 'e => CollectionWithDelete (FunSetBool 'e) 'e` type `FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool`) (FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool`) := FunSetBoolconstant `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` constructor of datatype `FunSetBool` type `('a -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'a` type in context `('e -> Bool) -> FunSetBool 'e` executable (fntype `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e` -> (f1variable `f1` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`) &&constant `Prelude.Bool.(&&)` constant type `Bool -> Bool -> Bool` executable (f2variable `f2` type `'e -> Bool` xvariable `x` type `'e`)) end-instance instance Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templates 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` => SetLiketype-class `Prelude.Collection.SetLike` arguments: ('c :: *) ('e :: *) functional deps: 'c -> 'e super-class constraints: - Prelude.Collection.CollectionWithMembershipTest 'c 'e (FunSetBooldatatype `Data.Collection.FunSetBool.FunSetBool` kind `* -> *` executable 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*`) 'etype-variable `'e` kind `*` where end-instance end-moduleend of module Data.Collection.FunSetBool