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module Prelude.Text ( Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable, packconstant `Prelude.Text.pack` constant type `String -> Text` executable, unpackconstant `Prelude.Text.unpack` constant type `Text -> String` executable ) where {-# NoImplicitPrelude #-} import Prelude.List () import Prelude.Eq import Prelude.BasicClasses import Prelude.Ord import Prelude.String import Prelude.Function import Prelude.Literal import Prelude.Bool datatype Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable := Text Stringabbreviation-type `Prelude.String.String` kind `*` type `String` abbreviates type `[Prelude.Char.Char]` executable declare packconstant `Prelude.Text.pack` constant type `String -> Text` executable :: Stringabbreviation-type `Prelude.String.String` kind `*` type `String` abbreviates type `[Prelude.Char.Char]` executable -> Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable define packconstant `Prelude.Text.pack` constant type `String -> Text` executable := Textconstant `Prelude.Text.Text` constructor of datatype `Text` type `String -> Text` executable declare unpackconstant `Prelude.Text.unpack` constant type `Text -> String` executable :: Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable -> Stringabbreviation-type `Prelude.String.String` kind `*` type `String` abbreviates type `[Prelude.Char.Char]` executable define unpackconstant `Prelude.Text.unpack` constant type `Text -> String` executable (Textconstant `Prelude.Text.Text` constructor of datatype `Text` type `String -> Text` executable svariable `s` type `String`) := svariable `s` type `String` instance LiteralStringtype-class `Prelude.Literal.LiteralString` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.Eq 'a statically-resolved Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable where define mkLiteralStringconstant `Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralString` constant of type-class instance `LiteralString Text` type `BuiltInString -> Text` executable := packconstant `Prelude.Text.pack` constant type `String -> Text` executable .constant `Prelude.Function.(.)` constant of type-class `Dot` type `'a -> 'b -> 'c` type in context `(String -> Text) -> (BuiltInString -> [Prelude.Char.Char]) -> BuiltInString -> Text` executable statically resolved type-class instance mkLiteralStringconstant `Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralString` statically resolved constant of type-class `LiteralString` type `BuiltInString -> 'a` type in context `BuiltInString -> [Prelude.Char.Char]` executable statically resolved type-class instance {-# inline mkLiteralStringconstant `Prelude.Literal.mkLiteralString` constant of type-class instance `LiteralString Text` type `BuiltInString -> Text` executable #-} end-instance derive Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable instances (EqPtype-class `Prelude.Eq.EqP` arguments: ('a :: *) has default derive templates derive-template labels - eq (only deriving) - fullgenerated code: instance EqP Text where define non-exec (===) x y := bool2prop (x == y) end-instance , Eqtype-class `Prelude.Eq.Eq` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.EqP 'a has default derive templatesgenerated code: instance Eq Text where define (==) (Text x1) (Text y1) := (x1 == y1) end-instance , Ordtype-class `Prelude.Ord.Ord` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.Eq.Eq 'a has default derive templatesgenerated code: instance Ord Text where define compare (Text x1) (Text y1) := compare x1 y1 end-instance ) instance Semigrouptype-class `Prelude.BasicClasses.Semigroup` arguments: ('a :: *) Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable where define (<>)constant `Prelude.BasicClasses.(<>)` constant of type-class instance `Semigroup Text` type `Text -> Text -> Text` executable (Textconstant `Prelude.Text.Text` constructor of datatype `Text` type `String -> Text` executable s1variable `s1` type `String`) (Textconstant `Prelude.Text.Text` constructor of datatype `Text` type `String -> Text` executable s2variable `s2` type `String`) := Textconstant `Prelude.Text.Text` constructor of datatype `Text` type `String -> Text` executable (s1variable `s1` type `String` <>constant `Prelude.BasicClasses.(<>)` constant of type-class `Semigroup` type `'a -> 'a -> 'a` type in context `String -> String -> String` executable statically resolved type-class instance s2variable `s2` type `String`) end-instance instance Monoidtype-class `Prelude.BasicClasses.Monoid` arguments: ('a :: *) super-class constraints: - Prelude.BasicClasses.Semigroup 'a Textdatatype `Prelude.Text.Text` kind `*` executable where define memptyconstant `Prelude.BasicClasses.mempty` constant of type-class instance `Monoid Text` type `Text` executable := packconstant `Prelude.Text.pack` constant type `String -> Text` executable ""type `String` end-instance end-moduleend of module Prelude.Text